
Woman Says God Told Her To Throw Away “Beyonce”

There is this blog written by a young woman entitled, “Why God Told Me to Throw Away My Beyonce CD.”


I said I wasn’t going to write about this. Mainly because I opened it and the first two sentences read:

In my testimony I mentioned how I idolized Beyonce. I was seven years old when it was no longer okay to be myself.

Nah.  Not doing this.  But then I fell victim to you guys and decided to take another peek. Reading on I saw this:

Even once I got saved, I saw no problem with Beyonce. My other favorite artists began to really convict me such as Kanye West, Jay-Z, Nicki Minaj, and Rihanna. But Beyonce’s music, I made a pass for, because it was not, “so bad.” Plus! I can just sing ‘Halo,’ ‘Dangerously in Love,’ to Jesus; and sing ‘Best Thing I Never Had’ as a diss to Satan. Folly.

In 2012, my favorite preacher, Heather Lindsey, wrote a blog post on, how music & tv affects our lives, and consistently tweeted and wrote messages on how we should guard our hearts. I listened and acted on what I wanted to; but at first, I did not accept this message, because it CONVICTED me. I did not want to give up Beyonce, and Basketball Wives.

The Lord really graces me here. I’m stubborn, and He is such a gentleman.

Through 2012, by grace I gave up certain shows and music here and there. I remember literally taking my Watch the Throne, Take Care, and Talk that Talk albums, and throwing them into the trashcan in my mother’s home in the country. I stocked up on more Christian rap and was good.

Now.  Let me stop to say this. Whatever God tells you to do in order to get closer to Him, then DO IT.  That is a personal, spiritual, serious situation.  There have been many times where God has directed people to do things that other people simply don’t understand.  That’s just how it is.

My problem with THIS is that there is a reason this woman focused on “Beyonce.” And I’m giving this entire piece a major side-eye because of it.

She goes on to talk about how she realized she idolized Beyonce in February 2013 after not being able to get her tickets to the Mrs. Carter World Tour.  I guess she was upset about it or whatever.  She then talks about buying “Beyonce” and being convicted by it and then God telling her that she wasn’t ready to listen to it and to throw it out the window.


This is what I will say about this.  I really am tired of seeing all of these posts putting Beyonce and God on the same level.  That is what all of this is doing.  People writing posts and articles and making YouTube videos saying that a love for Beyonce and a love for God CANNOT happen….I need y’all to STOP it.  There is NO comparison.  If you’ve been following me you know how I feel about Beyonce.  One day someone said something to me along the lines of, “Tasha, now I know you worship Beyonce so look at blah blah.”  PAUSE.  I let that person know not to EVER get it twisted.  I worship  NOBODY but the Lord. Beyonce is an entertainer. A celebrity. And yes, she’s great.  And…I pretty much want to be wherever she is.  I actually kinda think we’re best friends. BUT. She also has nothing to do with my salvation and I have NEVER let her make me feel as if I don’t want to be myself.

Spiritually, I allowed another distraction to drift me from God. I have not been spending time with Him as I should desire to, and one day after working late this month I got so tired of our distance, and my lukewarmness.

I got on my face and I asked God, what did I need to do to get back to Him; to desire Him again like I did when first got saved.

God told me this exactly, straight from my prayer journal.

Throw Beyonce’s CD away. Out of the window. You weren’t ready.

Ouch. Then the Holy Spirit kept on and revealed how that music affected me.

Idolized Beyonce, wanted to look like her, attention from men, facad, lust, sexual immorality, selling self short, bulimic thoughts, fit this image.


How can I be a Christian and be a huge fan of Beyonce at the same time? Because I could never, HAVE never, WILL never get it twisted. Beyonce CAN’T “get in the way” of my relationship with God.  Listening to Beyonce instead of praying?  That’s a discipline problem. Yes, there have been times I’ve grown distant, but that was a connection, prayer, worship, meditation, disclipline issue. NOT an “I’m going to use this artist as my scapegoat” issue.

AGAIN.  I could be completely wrong about the motive behind this post. And AGAIN.  Whatever God tells us to do, it must be done.

Congratulations to this woman for doing what God told her to do, but major side-eye for this post. If that makes sense.

You know those people who “give up” something for Lent, and then go posting all about it on social media?  Which shows they COMPLETELY missed the ENTIRE point of the Lenten Season? Yeah.  That’s how I feel about this.

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